The changing face of Jonathan Keller: The artist shows of a range of looks, including at the top left, the very first picture he took after deciding to start the project
Exactly 3,931 snapshots later, the New Yorker now has a complete archive of his daily visage since 1998 - minus a few weeks he spent in 
Early days: A selection the images from the first few years of Jonathan Keller's project
The 34-year-old, who lives with his wife, fellow artist Keetra Dean Dixon, said: 'I like to say that the project began out of spite. Mr Keller, who uses the name JK Keller for his artworks, soon realised that his photo project had taken on a life of its own.A self-confessed obsessive compulsive, he has vowed to take the pictures every day for the rest of his life.Welcome to my life: Every picture Jonathan Keller has taken of himself since starting the project in 1998.
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