Saturday, October 6, 2012

Live Rush Hour in the Skies

Flightradar24 makes it possible to track flights all around the world, whether commercial airliners, private jets or military aircraft.
The website's flight map is updated every couple of seconds. Using the map you can track a specific flight, mark out its route, the airport from which it departed and where it is supposed to land. You can even see its altitude and speed.
Flightradar 24 makes it possible to track flights all around the world
About 60 per cent of the airplanes that carry passengers are equipped with automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) system
Flightradar24 pulls data from the Federal Aviation Administration in the United States and the automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) system in other countries. This application is available on iPhone and iPod too.
About 60 per cent of the airplanes that carry passengers are equipped with ADS-B, so the map isn’t even showing every flight there is. Even still, zooming out a bit shows a mad cluster of planes over the U.S. and Europe.
Coverage over Latin America is currently patchy because there aren't as many ADS-B
responders on the ground to receive the airplane data
At present the site's coverage is best over the U.S. and Europe, with South America, Africa, Asia and Australia lagging behind. That is because the site relies on about 500 ADS-B responders on the ground to receive the airplane data
There is one more website which offers the same is Plane Finder

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